
Six, is the two lovers, VI Lovers, represents choice, not only in love, but at work or any other confrontational situation. In Tarot, six is the number of the divine force in nature, of cooperation and marriage, fits in with the meanings of this card. Sixes in a reading indicate adaptability and the abolity to change in times of difficulty, there is a focus on love, relationships, and change. Literally, smell is also associated with six, but metaphorically it can indicate a nose which can smell out a correct solution. Once a choice is made it will probably be stuck to.

In numerology, six is the number of harmony, domesticity and peaceful happiness. Sixes are equable, kindly, reliable, well balanced. They have a great talent for friendship and for home and family life. They are loyal, conscientious, idealistic and affectionate. Wholesome and conventional, unlike the fives, and without the brilliance of the threes, they may be more successful than either in the long run, especially in the arts or in teaching. Although they are capable and thorough workers, they usually lack any real flair for business. They are happiest in a quiet circle of friends and family. They are sometimes inclined to be smug and self-satisfied, fussy and gossipy, obstinate and conceited.

In tradition, this number has an immediate attraction as it is the symbol of love, marriage and partnership. Its planet is Venus, the goddess of love, but there is a dark side. Six is the solar number of the Sun, which reminds that love can bring pain as well as pleasure. It is the number of female sexuality and procreation. With its basis in hearth and home it also represents happiness earned through hard work. It appears in mythology as the number of children borne by the earth goddess Rhea, and the first Olympian family consisted of six gods and six goddesses. The sixth month, June, is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. In the Christian Bible, God create the world and all that is in it in six days.

Six also represented equilibrium and good health, its icon being the male triangle (point uppermost) and female triangle (base uppermost) interlinked, which later was adopted in Jewish icongraphy as the Mogen David, or Star of David. 6 is the first perfect number. Perfect numbers are very unusual mathematically, and very significant numerologically. St Augustine wrote, "Six is a number perfect in itself. God created all things in six days because this number is perfect." Medieval Christian mystics made much of the fact that the six sides of a cube can be opened out to create the shape of the Cross. Zeus or Jupiter, ruled 6 in the classical world, and the 6-by-6 magic square is dedicated to the Sun as the symbol of the god. The classical zodiac consists of 12 hourses, 6 above the Earth, and 6 below it.

Those who are governed by this number, particularly born in June, can look forward to extremely fruitful relationships. There is a tendency to add weight to a good figure, unless care is taken with diet and exercise. Green is the colour of six, often reflected in large, bright eyes. A pleasing manner combines an outgoing friendliness with a degree of introversion. Friends tend to be of the quiet type, possibly with an artistic bent, reflecting six's interests. Life revolves around the home. A need to be attractive in order to make partnerships can lead to over indulgence in clothes or cosmetics. Remember, looks aren't everything.

This card reminds man that the price of free will - or, more correctly, the power of choice - is responsibility.