
1st House - Aries - Key XIX- The Sun

Aries, the first of the tweleve signs of the Zodiac, is known as the ram and is a Fire sign. It signifies positive leadership, people who are at their best when they can control and govern themselves as well as others. The Sun is in its exaltation in Aries, giving energy, action, and life.

2nd House - Taurus - Key V-The Hierophant

Taurus is the sign of the bull and is of the element Earth, the sign of a materialist who is not without a trace of spiritual quality. The Hierophant utilizes material things for spirital progress, and though in a position of spiritual authority, is the good shepherd in a materialistic sense. At the back of his chair or throne, on either side, is a pair of bull's horns, partly disguised, but there is a hint here to the discerning.

3rd House - Gemini - Key VI- The Lovers

Gemini, the twins, suggest equilibrium, and though the implication is duality, the twins remain together. It is also an Air sign, indicating the exchange of ideas, affection, and sympathy. Raphael is an angel of the Air, who, by sending down his light, balances the masculine and feminine, the positive and negative, aspects of the Lovers.

4th House - Cancer - Key XIV- Temperance

Cancer, a water sign, is known as the crab, but its zodiacal symbol is made up of two small suns, each connected with a crescent moon like a cup or bowl. The upper cup is inverted, pouring water into the lower one, just as in Temperance, where the angel is pouring the Water of Life into the lower cup of material experience.

5th House - Leo - Key VIII- Strength

Leo, known as the lion, is a Fire sign. It is creative, dominant, and it is ruled by the Sun. It carries the qualities of courage, compassion, faith, rulership, and domination. The lion, though an emblem of violence and cruelty, has darkness, evil and ignorance as its enemies. Leo draws things to it, as does the woman in Key VIII. This card represents the dueling forces of our own natures, the womanly or spiritual side here dominating the baser forces shown by the lion.

6th House - Virgo - Key IX-The Hermit

Virgo, known as the virgin, is a sign of honesty, chastity, and purity. She is receptive and intuitive, and can renounce rewards as she works for others. These are the qualities of the Hermit, who holds his lantern aloft to lifht the spiritual path for others. Virgo is the sign of those who seek an ideal and are not content until it is found.

7th House - Libra - Key XI- Justice

Libra is known as the scales. It speaks of the justice that presides internally, though the fortunes of men and empires may tip the delicate balance of the scales temporarily. It is the sign of law, justice, balance, and wisdom. It is also the exponent of rebellion against conservatism, and it expouses progressive movements. It is ruled by Venus (Key III, the Empress), so we also have here the love of culture and beauty. Justice, holding her scales, is an ideal Libran figure.

8th House - Scorpio - Key XX- Judgement

Scorpio, a water sign, is known as the scorpion. It is a dual sign, meaning regeneration as well as belonging to the sign of Death, the Eighth House. Scorpio also stands for the creative energy of sex being sublimated to new ideals and new beginnings. Scorpio is ruled by forceful Mars; thus Gabriel's seven-note trumpet blast arouses those who have slept on the sea of the subconscious and fills them with energetic conscious activity.

9th House - Sagittarius - Key VII- Chariot

Sagittarius is known as the archer, and is a sign of the rulership of reason and the intellect. It denotes a restless search for new fields to conquer. The Chariot shows just such a man in charge of the chariot of his life and the twin sphinxes of his emotions and reason.

10th House - Capricorn - Key XV- The Devil

Capricorn, an Earth sign, is known as the goat. It is a negative sign meaning conniving actions, changeableness, capriciousness, coupled with a great desire for wealth and power. Capricorn denotes a person who can be ensalved by sex and material pleasures, just as are the two nude figures in Key XV. The goat horns of the Devil give added evidence of the correspondence between this card and the sign Capricorn.

11th House - Aquarius - Key XVII- The Star

Although an Air sign, Aquarius is known as the water bearer. The sign is altruistic and helpful, with knowledge of how to handle people and to spread ideas with altruistic intent. How like the figure in Key XVII, who pours the energy-giving Waters of Life upon the subconscious as well as the consciousness of all mankind!

12th House - Pisces - Key XVIII- The Moon

Pisces, a Water sign, is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac. It is known also as the fishes. It represents the dual nature of man; it is feminine, receptive, silent and passive. Those born under this sign are often intuitive, mystical, and psychic. The symbol of Pisces is two cresent moons, back to back, held together by a band at the middle representing man's finite consciousness linked to the infinite cosmic consciousness. Pisces is the most pyschic of Astrological signs, and the Moon is the most psychic of the Tarot cards; their meanings blend in suggesting a pathway strewn with temptations as man travels upward on the long journey.
04 Aug 2009