
“Many symbols appearing upon the Tarot cards have definite Masonic interest. The Pythagorean numerologist will also find an important relationship to exist between the numbers on the cards and the designs accompanying the numbers. The Qabbalist (or Kabbalist) will be immediately impressed by the significant sequence of the cards, and the alchemist will discover certain emblems meaningless save to one versed in the divine chemistry of transmutation and regeneration. As the Greeks placed the letters of their alphabet - with their corresponding numbers - upon the various parts of the body of their humanly represented "logos", so the Tarot cards have an analogy not only in the parts and members of the universe but also in the divisions of the human body. They are in fact the key to the magical constitution of man."

有很多符號在塔羅牌當中, 都分別能引起很多教派的共鳴和興趣。 如會發現很多與共濟會 (Masonic) 相關的符號; 信奉畢達哥拉斯的命理學者 (The Phythagorean Numerologist) 在牌中會找到很多與數字之間深遠的關係, 而牌面上的設計又與數字之間有關連。 卡巴拉的信奉者(Qabbalist) 也會立即發現牌上的次序, 是存有卡巴拉生命樹 (Tree of Life) 意味深長的概念。 而煉金術師 (Alchemist) 卻會發現某些牌中, 無意義地描述一些與煉金術上有關演變和再生的圖像和象徵。 由於塔羅牌牌號用上希臘數字﹐所以也應用上了其數字與人體之間的對應。 種種以上的關聯和對應, 使塔羅牌不單止能與宇宙的部份能扯上關係, 更能與人體作出相關的對應。 這可以說是人類去開解神秘學法規的一條重要鎖匙。

Page 411, An Analysis of the Tarot Cards - "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" - by Manly P. Hall