In a Tarot reading, the numbers of the Major Arcana have special signifcance. This does not demean the Lesser Arcana: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles, all of which have influence of a detailed nature.
Number ONE (The Magician)
In Tarot, I The Magician, is the channel of the life force and personal communication. He is the creative power, the oneness combining the personal will and the divine will in order to create. He stands in an attitude of power and command, holding his wand high over his head to receive from above that which he transmutes to earthly things as he points below in a gesture of creation. Above his head is the cosmic lemniscate, a figure 8 in a horizontal position - a symbol of eternal life and dominion. Concentrate and you will succeed.
One represents the present, the here and now, and the same curiosity appears in time as in space: 'now' is constantly coming into existence, and immediately ceasing to exist as a new 'now' takes its place. Like the point which has no dimension, the 1 of time has no dimension of its own, yet it defines all eternity, and modern physics is very much preoccupied with the 1 of 'now-ness'.
In numerology, this number is associated with the sun and astrological fire signs, (Leo, Sagitarrius and Aries). They all spell leadership, symbolised by the ancient Egyptians as Khepri, the rising sun heralding a new day. It is the number of the resurrected in many religions, such as Jesus Christ or Osiris. Being the first number, rising from nothing or chaos, it is that of new beginnings, of breaks with the past and of boundless energy. It is usually described as being masculine and assertive.
One is also the first, young number, so there can be an immature streak, a hint of the young child in the personality. Trying to lead people who do not wish to be led can mean a tendency to sulk or bear grudges. And as you see yourself as a leader, you rarely wish to be led. Needing loyalty can lead to feelings of being slighted at the smallest offence. 1 is, of course, associted with independence, single-mindedness, creativity, instigation, and so on. 1 is also associated with material wealth, loneliness, seclusion, the contemplative or monastic life, and isolation.
Esoterically, 1 is visualised as a great White Flame, as a stone from which living seed miraculously springs, as a pillar of fire, as a blazing crown, and as the burning bush which Moses beheld.
People who is governed by this number, have great fixity of purpose and an unswerving drive towards achiievement in their own particular line. They are signle-mineded, or one-trrack-minded. They are powerful characters - positive, obstinate, self-reliant and self-assertive, ambitious and aggressive.
They have excellent powers of concentration and good memories. They lead, create, originate and invent. They are pioneers, always drawn to the new and the unusual. Extremely independent people, they do not take orders well or co-operate easily with others. They resent advice and usually refust to follow it. They are not always very pleasant people.
They tend to have little real interest in friendship or love and usually have few close friends. If they are friendly and sympathetic, it may be because they think it is to their advantage to be so. They are likely to dominaate everyone around them, sometimes to the point of tyranny. They are essentially people who 'look after Number One'.